
Left W2000mm×H1200mm Right 1500mm×1100mm

SAYAKA MIYAUCHI Solo exhibition
2022/5/12 Thu ‐ 6/5 Sun Open 9:00‐18:00 (Mon‐Fri)
WeWork Harajuku The Iceberg 1F in Japan
From May 12, 2022, Sayaka Miyauchi's solo exhibition "PLANETARY LANDSCAPE" was held. In this exhibition, WeWork Harajuku The Iceberg 1F, which operates a shared office, will be the venue for 2m.Exhibits / sells mainly paintings and prints. Besides that, of original goods. We sold it. A landscape somewhere in my memory. What I saw when I was little and what I casually saw was a mixture of various places in my head, creating my own landscape. I arrived at "PLANETARY LANDSCAPE" after passing through a specific place or country.
SAYAKA MIYAUCHI Solo exhibition
2022/5/12 Thu ‐ 6/5 Sun Open 9:00‐18:00 (Mon‐Fri)
WeWork Harajuku The Iceberg 1F in Japan
From May 12, 2022, Sayaka Miyauchi's solo exhibition "PLANETARY LANDSCAPE" was held. In this exhibition, WeWork Harajuku The Iceberg 1F, which operates a shared office, will be the venue for 2m.Exhibits / sells mainly paintings and prints. Besides that, of original goods. We sold it. A landscape somewhere in my memory. What I saw when I was little and what I casually saw was a mixture of various places in my head, creating my own landscape. I arrived at "PLANETARY LANDSCAPE" after passing through a specific place or country.